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Svedana: Indian bath

"Ayurveda is the science of living in harmony with nature. My profession helps me to spread this knowledge and make people healthier and happier. That's what attracts me to this job."

What is Svedana? What are the main differences. How does it work?

The word "svedana" in Sanskrit means "to be covered with perspiration". The procedure of using heat, which increases sweating, is called Svedana. Sweating is a simple and effective way to help the body get rid of toxins. The bath is used in Ayurveda as a therapy, and is also one of the mandatory stages of the cleansing procedures of Panchakarma.

Sweating can be increased in various ways. Exercise is the easiest way to make your body sweat – exercise. You can also drink something hot and get under a warm blanket. Another method is sunbathing. But the most common method for medicinal purposes is steam. Usually a person is put in a special Ayurvedic sauna – box, where the head is outside and the body is inside. Steam comes from the bottom of the box. Sometimes medicinal herbs are added to the water, which then turns into steam.

What is the temperature inside? What is being added?

The temperature inside should be warm but comfortable, usually 40-45 degrees Celsius. Sometimes the leaves of Sida or Neem trees (azadirakhta Indian) are added to get a better result.

What is the best way to steam? What to do before the bath, during and after?

If you are thirsty, drink water before you get drunk. First, the whole body is easily massaged with Ayurvedic oils for about 25-30 minutes. Then a towel is spread out in the box and steam is started. When the box is filled with steam, you can lie on your back there. The head should remain outside, and the whole body inside.

Lying in the Sofa, it is very desirable to relax physically and mentally, feel the steam and enjoy the feeling of warmth, this will help to enhance the effect of the procedure.

After Svedana – when steaming is finished, the steam is stopped and the body should slowly cool down. You can not get up abruptly - first sit down slowly, then stand up. After the body cools down, you can take a warm (but not hot) shower.

How long can you steam? Is it important to limit your stay there?

The time for thorough steaming varies for each person. The usual thing is to stop when you start to sweat. Excessive passion for the bath can increase Pitta, cause dizziness, loss of consciousness, extreme thirst or a rash on the skin. Therefore, it is better not to overload yourself.

What is the benefit of such a bath? Who is it most suitable for?

Svedana balances Vata and Kapha. Opens channels in the body and increases blood circulation. Thus, it helps the body to remove toxins, frees it, removes heaviness and pain in the joints, improves metabolism and increases digestive fire. It also cleanses the skin, improves its color and appearance.

Svedana is one of the main procedures for those who are going to undergo Panchakarma. It is useful for people with increased Cotton Wool and Kapha, as well as for those who are not satisfied with the condition of the skin. Indian bath also helps with back pain, arthritis, muscle pain and problems related to the nervous system.

Who is not shown Svedana? What about people with high and low blood pressure? Are there any contraindications?

Svedana cannot be done if the Pitta dosha is elevated, during pregnancy. People with high and low blood pressure should consult a specialist. Avoid Svedana if you have regular heart problems, dizziness, blood disease, excessive fullness, bile spillage, skin inflammation. Svedana should also not be done after taking alcohol, and if you feel weak and exhausted.

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